During the Gala, the director Cristian Mungiu was awarded with the SFR Festival’s trophy and by the Institutul Cultural Roman [Romanian Cultural Institute], represented by Roxana Călinescu.
We need the big screen for the Romanian film
Within May 10-14, for five days, over 5,000 persons have participated at the events that comprised films presented in special sections, expositions, book releases, concerts and themed meetings.
“It is more than necessary to remember these moments dedicated to the Romanian cinematography. It was necessary to think about our director, Cristian Mungiu, so known and awarded abroad. We must also know his movies at home, how else would we appreciate him? In 2017, Cristian Mungiu returned home to be celebrated, to have his movies and his contribution for the Romanian cinematography celebrated. The opening Gala moment will remain one of a kind for us, the people in Iasi and not only. What Cristian Mungiu has done for the Romanian cinematography deserves even more than a gala an edition dedicated to him. We promise to continue and fight so that Iasi will have a proper big screen, to watch Romanian movies, art films, in optimum conditions” Andrei Giurgia stated.
“I saw last year what Andrei Giurgia does in Iasi and I would be happy to know that the spectators find their interest for our movies, older or newer. I took advantage of the offer from the part of the director of the festival, Andrei Giurgia, and proposed for this edition’s selection some of the best titles called by film critics the New Romanian Cinema. I’m going to fully support this initiative in the future” declared Cristian Mungiu during the press release on the 10th of May. Cristian Mungiu also talked about the importance of the reopening of the cinema theatres in Iasi and said that he accepted the invitation having in mind that the festival helps in this direction and encourages the Romanian film.
Irina-Margareta Nistor recalled the importance of Cristian Mungiu for the Romanian cinematography: “Cristian Mungiu returns in Iasi to be properly celebrated in a retrospective and edition dedicated to the director, screenwriter and producer who, every year, makes us happier”.
“It is an event that matters for us. Many thanks for the great Cristian Mungiu for his implication. We can see that something has changed in the activity of the people from Iasi towards the Romanian cinematography” mentioned Mihai Chirica, the mayor of Iasi Municipality.
“Our great actors and directors were appreciated in Cannes, Los Angeles. It is high time we started appreciating them also within the borders of our country. This is why I consider that we have to learn again to cherish our values” declared Andrei Apreotesei, the Manager of Ateneul din Iasi, cultural partner of SFR 2017.
The 8th edition in numbers:
- Over 50 films;
- Over 50 guests;
- Numerous special events;
- 6 permanent locations (Ateneul din Iași, Casa de Cultură a Studenților, Teatrul Luceafărul, Cafeneaua Piața Unirii, Teatru FiX, Grădina Palas);
- over 5.000 spectators;
- 5 days and 5 evenings of festival;
- 1 trophy and 3 special distinctions (Cristian Mungiu, Irina-Margareta Nistor, Ileana Popovici, Dorel Vișan).
This year’s edition reunited the sections:
- Cristian Mungiu Retrospective Section
- Elisabeta Bostan Section
- Anniversary Section
- New Romanian Cinema Section
- Documentary Section
- AGERPRES Documentary Section
- Ante/Pre December Landmarks Section
- Post/Alternative New Romanian Cinema Section
- Dorel Visan Retrospective Section
- Shorts Section
- ZFR (Zilele Filmului Românesc) Caravan Section
- The Best Romanian Films of 2016/2017 Section
SFR on-line resources:
You can find reactions, statements, video and photographs of the eighth edition on the following official accounts:
Official website: www.festivalsfr.ro
Youtube SFR/ Instagram SFR/ Facebook SFR
SFR 2017 Partners
Initiated by Asociația Studenților Jurnaliști
Organized by ARTIS
Financed by Primăria Municipiului Iași
Official cultural partner: Ateneul din Iași
Recommended by Prima TV
Supported by: Institutul Cultural Român, Dacin Sara, Universitatea „Petre Andrei” din Iași, Europa FM
Printed by Printco
Official car: Ford
Academic partner: Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” Iași
Promoted in the Wink network
Official partners: Palas Mall, Cafeneaua Piața Unirii, Teatru Fix
Institutional partners: Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române Iași, Casa de Cultură a Studenților, Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Iași
Main media partner: AGERPRES
Official media partners: Viva FM, Iași TV Life, Radio România Cultural, Zile și Nopți, Evenimentul Regional al Moldovei.
Partners: Caravana Zilele Filmului Românesc, Polirom, Teo’s Cafe, Cărturești, Filicori Zecchini, Aeroportul Iași, Cafeneaua Noastră, HBO, Teatrul „Luceafărul”, Restaurant Escape, Mr. House, Restaurant Buena Vista, Ioniță Carmen Angeluș Production, Sticăria, Kompostor, Federația Comunităților Evreiești din România, Grande Optique, H’art Gallery, Scrijele de mere, Petru Simigerie, MERU, FIKA, Școala Moldovenească de Cafea, Food Forest, Donna Alba, City Boutique
Accessorized by: Mihaela Iacob
Monitored by: Zelist Monitor
Hair dressing: Aurelian Ion
Media Partners: TIMPUL, Iași Fun, Radio România Iași, 1Music Channel, Ziarul de Iași, Apollonia TV, 360 uaic.ro, inoras.ro, Pălărisme, CineFAN, CinePUB.ro, All About Romanian Cinema (aarc.ro), TVR Iași, Semne Bune, Smart FM, Mișcarea de Rezistență, TVR
Sponsors: Veolia, Bellaria, Select Grup, Casa de vinuri Huși, Underground, Cuib, Atelierul Doamnei P, Vivo, Moldflora, Cake Expert, Little Texas, Azalee, Papucei, Cotnari, Arcadia, Vodafone, Elegant
Andrei Giurgia (Directorul Festivalului Serile Filmului Românesc, jurnalist)
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