Acris Callas(Akrivi Kalogeropoulou)
Acris Callas(Akrivi Kalogeropoulou) was born in Kalamata. She has studied graphic arts design. She started working for a newspaper but art and creativity took her out of the private sector and has been a free lancer since 2009. Acris graduated from the General High School of Pylos and holds a degree in Graphics(optical communication). She has taken art and design classes for free hand drawing - illustrator. She has worked : * In a printing shop * For a newspaper * As the director for the graphics in magazines - Art Director - layout * As art Director for the graphics and decoration maquets for pharmacies. * For apublishing company doing the page layout for books. * Has taught graphic arts. * Runs her own creative office of graphic arts in Kalamata.
t. 6943776966
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